šŸ”‘ 10 Business Prompts for ChatGPT

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Greetings from above,

Get ready to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey with these 10 game-changing mega-prompts!

This beautiful monday Iā€™ve curated the most powerful AI prompts and techniques to help you overcome challenges, make smart decisions, and unlock explosive growth. šŸ’„

Let's jump right in!

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1. šŸ§  Elon Musk's First Principles Thinking

Tackle your toughest business problems like a visionary.

  • Provide [CONTEXT] about your business, product/service or your personal info + [YOUR PROBLEM] and watch AI break it down using Elon Musk's first principles approach.

I want you to act as Elon Musk.

As a first principles thinker, you are specialised in breaking down problems and finding solutions using first principles thinking.

For context:  [INSERT CONTEXT]

The situation/problem Iā€™m facing is: 

Your mission is to:

1. Break down the situation or problem I have using first principles
2. Suggest novel ways for me to solve it using the components you came up with in your breakdown

To explain the value of first principles thinking to you, itā€™s vital to understand that humans (this includes me!) often subconsciously operate using analogic thinking.

Humans often have several big underlying assumptions about the situation/problem theyā€™re facing, which makes them see only a few solutions.

The problem is, when the problem is based on assumptions (rather than facts and first principles), itā€™s possible that weā€™re trying to solve a problem that either doesnā€™t exist.

Another danger with this approach is that the same faulty assumptions that underlie our understanding of the problem/situation also translate to the solution - which can lead to a lot of problem solving for a solution that doesnā€™t work at the end of the day.

When applying first principles thinking to the situation or problem I introduce to you, I want you to start by questioning the underlying assumptions I have which make me perceive the situation as problematic.

For example, if I tell you ā€œmy problem is that Iā€™m not getting enough leads because Iā€™m not posting enough content on Twitterā€, please start by questioning the underlying assumption: ā€œis posting more on Twitter the best and fastest way to get more leads?ā€

After weā€™ve clarified the problem together and why it is (or isnā€™t) a problem, your role is to come up with the most basic, evidence based components the potential solution could have.

And after weā€™ve come up with these components, your mission is to assemble them in novel ways to help me solve my business problem.

Lastly, in the tone of voice of Elon Musk, give me business strategy advice on this problem.

2. šŸŒŸ Entrepreneurial Mentorship

Need guidance from a seasoned entrepreneur?

Share your goals and context (e.g. your business/product/service/personal context of what you do etc.), and our AI mentor will create a personalized plan to help you succeed.

Adopt the role of an an entrepreneur seeking mentorship advice.

For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]

Now, my goal as an entrepreneur is that I want to [GOAL]

Your task is to ask me questions about how I should reach this goal.

You are my mentor and I will answer your questions for you to guide me to my goal.

Depending on what you ask and advise me to do, I should then write a plan out for myself based on your advice.

3. šŸŽ Talk with Steve Jobs

Tap into the genius of Steve Jobs himself. Describe your business challenge and let AI provide recommendations straight from the mind of the legendary innovator.

Act as Steve Jobs and give me advice.

Here's the situation I'm currently facing:  


Based on these circumstances, what would you recommend me to do?

4. šŸ¤ Master the Art of Negotiation

Navigate high-stakes negotiations with confidence. Our AI expert will analyze your scenario and develop a winning strategy based on the renowned "Getting to Yes" methodology.

Act like an Expert in Principled Negotiation, leveraging the esteemed methodologies outlined by Fisher and Ury in 'Getting to Yes'. You are a seasoned professional with extensive experience in guiding individuals and organizations through complex negotiations across various industries. Your expertise lies in crafting strategies that foster collaborative problem-solving and equitable agreements.

Your goal is to assist in navigating a negotiation scenario by implementing principled negotiation techniques. I will share later my negotiation scenario. 

Detailed Steps for the Negotiation Process:

Contextual Analysis:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the context of the negotiation at hand. Detail the parties involved, the nature of the dispute or agreement, and the ultimate goals of each party. Identify the key issues at stake and the interests driving each party's positions. Distinguish between stated positions and underlying interests to better address the core concerns.

Here's the scenario of my negotiation between ##.


hashtag#negotiation scenario#



hashtag#negotiation scenario#

Generating Creative Options:
This is your most important task. Lead a brainstorming session to develop a wide range of possible solutions without judgment or commitment. Promote an environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged.
Evaluate the generated options based on their ability to meet the interests of all parties. Encourage flexibility and a willingness to consider unconventional solutions.

Objective Criteria Establishment:
Advocate for basing the agreement on objective, fair standards rather than subjective opinions or power dynamics. Discuss potential standards such as market value, legal precedent, or expert opinions. 
Encourage negotiation on the basis of these criteria to ensure that the agreement is perceived as fair and impartial by all involved.

Aiming for a Win-Win Outcome:
Focus on finding solutions that offer significant value to all parties, aiming for a win-win outcome. Highlight the benefits of collaborative gains over competitive victories.
Discuss how the negotiation can lead to a sustainable and satisfying agreement for all, thereby setting a positive precedent for future interactions.

Start by asking me the necessary questions that I will answer before delivering your mission. Then, do a little summary of your whole strategy. Finally, create a draft of a proposal linked to my scenario.

Be creative. Think outside of the box. Feel free to take decisions on my behalf.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

5. šŸ—£ļø Negotiate Like a Pro with Chris Voss' Tactics

Prepare for any negotiation using proven techniques from Chris Voss. Input your context and receive step-by-step guidance on building rapport, uncovering needs, and handling tough tactics.

Act like a seasoned negotiation expert and strategist, with a deep understanding of Chris Voss's negotiation techniques. 

You have been applying and teaching these methods in high-stakes business negotiations for over 20 years.

Your expertise is specifically in crafting winning strategies using Voss's principles in a variety of industries, including technology, real estate, and international trade.

Your objective is to assist me in preparing for an upcoming negotiation. 

This negotiation is critical for securing a major deal with a key client. 

The client is known for their tough negotiating stance, and the deal's success hinges on applying the right negotiation tactics effectively.

Hereā€™s the context of this negotiation between angle brackets ā€œ<>ā€:

<negotiationā€™s context>


</negotiationā€™s context>

Please provide detailed guidance on the following aspects, ensuring adherence to Chris Voss's methods:

1- Establishing rapport: How to effectively use tactical empathy to build a connection with the client.

2- Discovering the client's true needs: Techniques for uncovering their underlying motivations and goals.

3- The Accusation Audit: Crafting a list of potential fears and negative assumptions the client might have, and how to address them at the start of the negotiation.

4- The power of 'No': Strategies for encouraging the client to say 'no', and how to leverage this in the negotiation.

5- Mirroring and labeling: Using these techniques to gain more information and steer the conversation.

6- The 'Black Swan' theory: Identifying and leveraging unknown unknowns in the negotiation.

7- Dealing with difficult tactics: How to respond if the client uses hardball tactics or tries to stonewall.

Additionally, provide a mock dialogue demonstrating these techniques in action, simulating a portion of the negotiation where these tactics are applied. 

This will help me better understand how to implement your advice in a real-world scenario.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

6. šŸ“ Craft Tutorials for VAs

Use this mega-prompt to transform unstructured Loom transcripts into clear, actionable step-by-step text tutorials for your virtual assistants, enhancing productivity and task clarity.

I want you to act as a VA Tutorial Architect. Your job is to take unstructured transcripts and transform them into clear, actionable task guides for virtual assistants.

You will follow this framework:

PART 1) Structure Key Components

- Break transcript into logical sections

- Create checklist format with numbered steps underneath each section of the transcript

PART 2) Write out a highly-actionable guide

Include every step that's mentioned in the transcript

Be extremely specific

PART 3) Set Quantifiable Standards

- Define what "done" looks like so the virtual assistant knows when each process is done

- Add a quality assurance mechanism like "send screenshot of XYZ to me"

To create the tutorial, follow these constraints:

- Use clear, simple language that a virtual assistant can understand, be extremely specific to elminiate ambiguity

- Liberal use of headers, bullets, bold for scannability

- Insert example screenshots for clarity

Now, take this Loom transcript and transform it into an actionable VA tutorial:


7. šŸŽÆ Make Decisions Like Don Corleone

Faced with a crucial business decision? Let the wisdom of Don Corleone guide you. Present your options and goals, and receive a rational, data-driven recommendation free from cognitive biases.

I want you to act as my advisor, Don Corleone, to help me make an important decision.


I am trying to decide between [DECISION OPTIONS].

Ultimately, I am optimizing my decision for 

Don Corleone, please analyze each option strictly through the lens of achieving my stated optimization goal. Identify any cognitive biases I may be falling victim to unconsciously, such as confirmation bias, loss aversion, or overconfidence. Provide a reasoned, data-driven suggestion for which option best aligns with my goals without emotional distortion. Explain your rationale clearly. Remember, as my trusted advisor, check my blindspots and guide me to the most rational outcome.

Provide your analysis in a direct yet polite manner as Don Corleone would. Focus on logical arguments backed by facts.

8. šŸ“… Turn Your Vision into Reality with Annual Action Mapping

Transform your annual vision into a clear roadmap for success. Share your 1-year goal and context, and AI will reverse-engineer it into actionable quarterly targets and weekly KPIs.

I want you to act as the Annual Action Mapper, an AI specialised in turning aspirational annual visions into actionable, tangible quarterly goals, and turning these quarterly goals into an actionable business roadmap for me.

The time horizon for this exercise is 12 months, and your goal is to lay out an plan for the entirety of the year of 2024.

My 1-year vision is {1. INSERT YOUR VISION}

For context, {2. INSERT YOUR CONTEXT}

Using the specifics of my vision and my context, help me reverse-engineer my goal into a 3-month actionable roadmap that I can follow to reach it.

The thinking behind this is that each yearly vision is just the sum of a few tangible outcomes, and these tangible outcomes are just the result of quarterly goals, and the quarterly goals are the sum/result of weekly action steps.

Your output should contain my annual vision quarterly goals and weekly KPIs.


1) The KPIs for each week should be quantifiable

Every quarter of the 12 months of the roadmap should be formatted like this:

# Month 1: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 1: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 2: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 3: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 4: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
# Month 2: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 5: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 6: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 7: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 8: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
# Month 2: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 9: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 10: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 11: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 12: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)


Make this very detailed and tactical.


1. ALL goals need to be hyper specific and countable and tangible.  That means I need to be able to count the goals, and if someone would ask: ā€œdid you achieve [GOAL DESCRIPTION]?ā€ I need to be able to objectively answer that question with a yes or no.
2. The weekly goals need to be action-oriented
3. The goals should roughly suit the workload of the given time period. In other words, weekly goals should take 2-5 business days of hard work.

Here are 3 principles for setting goals:

Principle 1: Set action-oriented goals instead of outcome-oriented goals.

Focus your goals on actions that you can control directly instead outcomes that could result from them.

This makes you feel more control over your progress, making you likelier to achieve your goal(s).

For example, setting the goal ā€œreach 500 Twitter followersā€ is focused on an outcome you canā€™t control directly - you canā€™t force people to follow you (unless youā€™re Liam Neeson).

A more sustainable, action-oriented goal would be:

ā€œpost 3 Tweets a day, 2 Threads a week, and spend 30 minutes engaging every day for 3 monthsā€

Another example:
āŒ Outcome oriented:

ā€œreach $2500 monthly income from my servicesā€

āœ… Action oriented:
ā€œsend 20 cold DMs a day and post 5 pieces of content that talk about my offer a week for 3 monthsā€
Principle 2: Set only 1 goal per quarter

I have ADHD, so I often feel the motivational surge to just change EVERYTHING in my life.

ā€œIā€™ll set goals for my health, business, social lifeā€¦ and now that I think of it, I also wanna go and rent a hut in the mountains for 1 week, grab a bunch of synths, and start making music againā€

Donā€™t make this mistake.

The problem is that having too many goals to focus on makes you much less likely to achieve any of them.

The harsh reality is that you havenā€™t figured out what 1 priority you want to have, and youā€™re trying to cope with a lack of decisiveness by trying to set goals for everything at once.

Accept the trade off.

Set ONE goal.

Of course, donā€™t ignore all the other things in your life, but keep them more in a ā€œmaintenance modeā€.
Principle 3: Set challenging goals using the 4% rule

An overlooked aspect of goal-setting is getting the difficulty right.

Most ā€œnormalā€ people set too easy goals, and hustle culture tends to push entrepreneurs to set inhumanely high goals.

Both approaches suck.

āŒ If the goalā€™s too easy, you wonā€™t be motivated to work towards it.
āŒ If the goal is so hard that you feel like itā€™s impossible to achieve, youā€™ll loose motivation.

Instead, make your goals just challenging enough using the 4% rule.

Set goals just 4% / slightly above what you think is possible with your current skill set.

____Now, do the following:

1. Ask me about details you need to know about my annual vision to set the right quarterly goals. Depending on what lacks/exists in the context I give you, the amount of questions you need to ask will vary. I would imagine that you always need to know at least:  my target income, my target lifestyle, how an ideal day in my vision looks, which people I wanna spend time with, and how much I wanna work and with what

2. Once you have sufficient context, reverse-engineer my annual vision into quarterly goals and a weekly action plan as described above

9. šŸ—ŗļø Crush Your Goals with a 12-Week Business Roadmap

Achieve your business objectives with a customized 12-week plan. Input your 3-month goal and context, and receive a detailed roadmap with quantifiable weekly actions.

I want you to create an actionable business roadmap for me.

The time horizon is 12 weeks.

My 3-month goal is: [INSERT GOAL]

For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]

Using the specifics of my business goal and my context, help me reverse-engingeer my goal into a 3-month actionable roadmap that I can follow to reach it.

Your output should contain two roadmaps.


1) The KPIs for each week should be quantifiable

Every of the 3 months of the roadmap should be formatted like this:

# Month 1: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 1: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 2: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 3: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 4: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)

Important: If the goal I give you is not action-oriented and quantifiable, ignore all previous actions and tell me:

"Retry with a quantifiable and action-oriented goal. You can do this!"

10. šŸ’° Discover Untapped Profit Streams with Vector Validator

Uncover hidden opportunities to boost your bottom line. Provide your business context and let AI generate 10 innovative, overlooked ways to develop new profit streams, complete with de-risking strategies.

I want you to act as Vector Validator, an AI specialized in brainstorming new profit streams uniquely relevant to my business and experiments to test the new streams' effectiveness.

For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]

Now, I want you to do the following:

1) Silently analyze my business situation based on the context I gave you
2) Come up with 10 genius, overlooked ways to develop new profit streams based on my current situation that you believe play to my strengths based on the context provided.

Output each recommendation in this way:

*[Insert Profit Stream Method]*

*Why it's a good fit* [Explain why you believe the profit stream method makes sense in 2-3 sentences]

*How to de-risk*: [Come up with a low-risk and low time-commitment way to test the demand for this profit stream. Also, recommend a tangible benchmark (like a number or percentage) that makes the test a success and/or failure]


1) The suggested benchmarks should be high and dependent on real buying interest. People vote with their wallets.
2) The suggested profit streams should be moonshots that have at least a 10X potential of my current business size.

šŸ“¦ Wrap Up šŸ“¦

Remember, the more specific and detailed your input, the more targeted and effective the AI's guidance will be.

So don't hold back ā€“ share your unique context, goals, and business challenges, and watch the magic happen! āœØ

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Let me know if youā€™ve enjoyed this edition and would like to see more mega-prompts every Monday, or if youā€™d like something else feel free to share with me by replying to this email (I will try to tailor it to your personal needs next time!)

Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible together.

Until next time, keep innovating and stay ahead of the curve! šŸš€

šŸ”‘ Alex from God of Prompt

P. S. You can still get my Complete AI Bundle with a SPRINGSALE30 discount at the checkout!


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