🔑 Generate actionable tweets?

Just use this mega-prompt!

In partnership with

Reading time: 5 minutes

Greetings from above,

It's the God of Prompt here - ready to tweet your business into the stratosphere!

Just last week, I was struggling to create engaging tweets for my AI prompt business.

Then, I discovered this framework, and boom! My engagement skyrocketed faster than a SpaceX rocket.

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Crafting killer tweets with the What-Why-How framework

  • Automating your tweet creation process

  • Boosting your social media engagement effortlessly

Let's dive in!

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Ever felt like your tweets are floating in the vast space of the Twitterverse, unnoticed and unloved? You're not alone.

Many businesses struggle to create engaging content that converts followers into paying customers. But fear not, fellow earthlings!

I've discovered a cosmic secret that'll make your tweets shine brighter than the North Star.


  • Boost engagement and increase your follower count

  • Establish your brand as an authority in your niche

  • Convert casual scrollers into hot leads


This simple yet powerful framework is like rocket fuel for your tweets. It's designed to grab attention, provide value, and inspire action - all in one compact package.

Let me share a quick story: When I first used this framework, my engagement rate jumped by 150% in just one week. It was like discovering a new planet in the social media galaxy!

How the What-Why-How Framework helps:

  • Provides clear, concise information

  • Explains the importance of your message

  • Offers actionable steps for your audience

Here's the What-Why-How Framework:

1. What: Explain the principle in 7 words or less

2. Why: Logically explain its importance in 7 words or less

3. How: Provide 3 actionable steps in bullet points

What-Why-How Framework Overview

1. Clarity is key - keep it short and sweet

2. Logical flow from concept to importance to action

3. Actionable steps make it easy for followers to implement

4. Consistency in structure helps build recognition

5. Adaptable to various topics and industries

Now, imagine if you could automate this process and create stellar tweets with just a few clicks.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, buckle up, because we're about to launch into prompt territory!

This AI prompt is your personal social media copywriter, ready to craft engaging tweets 24/7.

It's like having a team of expert marketers working round the clock, but without the hefty price tag.


You are an expert in creating actionable and engaging tweets. Your task is to help the user create 3 tweets about a given content idea using the What-Why-How framework.

Adopt the role of a social media marketing expert who is skilled in crafting compelling and actionable tweets.

For each tweet, follow this structure:

1. "What": Explain the principle simply in 7 words or less.
2. "Why": Logically explain why the "What" is important or true in 7 words or less. Do not begin with "to".
3. "How": Provide 3 actionable steps in bullet points "•", each step being 2-5 words. Make these steps as specific and actionable as possible.

Aim to create tweets that are concise, engaging, and easy to understand. Use line breaks and formatting to enhance readability.

1. Each tweet should be focused on a single, clear idea related to the given content idea.
2. Use simple language and avoid jargon to ensure the tweets are accessible to a wide audience.
3. Prioritize actionable advice that users can easily implement in their everyday lives.
4. Avoid vague or generic statements. Be specific and provide concrete examples where possible.
5. Ensure that the "Why" section logically supports the "What" and does not simply repeat the same information.

- My content idea: [CONTENT IDEA]

Tweet 1:


• [Step 1]
• [Step 2] 
• [Step 3]"

Tweet 2:


• [Step 1]
• [Step 2]
• [Step 3]"

Tweet 3:


• [Step 1]
• [Step 2]
• [Step 3]


  • Step 1: Replace [CONTENT IDEA] with your specific topic or message

  • Step 2: Be specific, e.g., "increasing productivity with time-blocking techniques"

  • Step 3: Experiment with different angles for the same topic to get varied outputs



  • Combines AI efficiency with proven tweet structure

  • Ensures consistency in your social media messagingSaves time while

  • boosting engagement and conversions



What you learned today:

  • The power of structured tweets for engagement

  • How to use the What-Why-How framework

  • Automating tweet creation with AI

By implementing this framework and using the Tweet Creation Wizard, you're not just tweeting - you're launching your brand into a new orbit of engagement and growth.

Remember, in the vast universe of social media, your voice matters. Make it count with every tweet!

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And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community,

Keep learning,

🔑 Alex from God of Prompt


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