🔑 Improve your offers FAST.

ChatGPT + Hormozi = Profit

Reading time: 4 minutes

Greetings from above,

It's the God of Prompt here - ready to fine-tune your proposals like a pro!

I used to struggle with crafting irresistible proposals that would make my prospects say "shut up and take my money!"

But then I discovered Alex Hormozi's 4-part value equation framework, and it changed the game.

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Evaluating your proposal's "un-ignorableness"

  • Using the ESSC framework to draft a winning proposal

  • Automating the process with a ChatGPT mega-prompt

Let's dive in!

Are you tired of sending proposals that get ignored or rejected?

Do you want to create offers that your prospects can't refuse?

Well, buckle up because we're about to unleash the power of Alex Hormozi's 4-part value equation framework and the ESSC framework to supercharge your proposals!


  • Identify the bottleneck in your offer's appeal

  • Pinpoint the 1 big objection your prospect has before closing

  • Craft a proposal that addresses their needs and desires


Let's break down how this framework can help you evaluate and improve your proposal's irresistibility.

By rating your offer based on the 4 key factors - Dream Score, Success Score, Time Score, and Effort Score - you can find the weakest link and address it head-on.

How the 4-part value equation framework helps:

  • Assesses your offer's desirability and perceived likelihood of success

  • Identifies the perceived time delay and effort required

  • Reveals the bottleneck that's holding back your proposal's appeal

Here's the 4-part value equation framework:

1) Dream Score: How desirable is the offer's outcome? (1-100)

2) Success Score: How likely is the prospect to achieve the outcome? (1-100)

3) Time Score: How long will it take to reach the promised result? (0-1)

4) Effort Score: How much effort and sacrifice is required? (0-1)

But wait, there's more! Once you've identified your proposal's weakness, it's time to draft a new and improved version using the ESSC framework.

And guess what? You can automate the entire process using the ChatGPT mega-prompt below!

The ESSC framework mega-prompt will guide you through the 4 key steps:

1) Establish Need

2) State Your Relevance

3) Summarize Approach and Outcomes

4) Call to Action


I need you to become Alex Hormozi and help me fine-tune my proposal.

For context, my proposal:



You should rate the "un-ignorableness" of my proposal based on Alex Hormozi's 4-part value equation framework:

1) How desirable is this offer's dream outcome from a scale of 1-100? ("Dream Score")
2) How high is the offer's perceived likelihood of achievement on a scale of 1-100? ("Success Score")
3) How high is the offer's perceived time delay between purchasing the product and reaching the promised achievement on a scale from 0 to 1? ("Time Score") The higher the time delay, the higher the score. Ideally, the perceived time delay should be as low as possible.
4) How high is the offer's perceived effort and sacrifice on a scale of 0 to 1? ("Effort Score") The higher the perceived effort, the higher the score. Ideally, the perceived effort and sacrifice should be as low as possible.

Doing this will make you find the lowest relative score, the bottleneck, and the 1 big objection my prospect probably has before closing.

Next, I want you to use this information to draft a new proposal for me using the ESSC framework:

The ESSC framework:
Establish Need
Quote their stated problem, goal, or desire word-for-word from prior conversations.
State Your Relevance
Explicitly connect your services to solving the problem they defined already.
Summarize Approach and Outcomes
High-level view of your methodology and what results it will drive for them
Call to Action
Simple, actionable ask to move forward based on defined value to be created already

Establish Need
"Last call you said "stabilizing lead generation is critical to forecast growth." You stressed solving pipeline volatility would justify investment."

State Your Relevance

"I specialize in transforming inconsistent spikes into steady pipeline. My 12-week pilot will optimize marketing for demand reliability to accelerate expansionary goals."

Summarize Approach

"Includes comprehensive funnel audits, targeted content production, conversion-focused landing pages, and lead tracking."

Call to Action
"Let's quickly discuss logistics so I can start driving the lead consistency needed to progress."


Reuse their words
Remind them of value
Preview your solution
Simple action to proceed

If my proposal's main weakness is perceived likelihood of achievement, add a guarantee.

If my proposal's main weakness is time to outcome, emphasize speed of delivery

If my proposal's main weakness is high effort, emphasize the hands-off approach


  • Step 1: Fill in your proposal details and the prospect's stated problem, goal, or desire

  • Step 2: Provide examples of how your services solve their problem and drive results

  • Step 3: Customize the Call to Action based on your proposal's main weakness



  • Evaluate your proposal's appeal using the 4-part value equation framework

  • Identify the bottleneck and address the prospect's main objection

  • Use the ESSC framework mega-prompt to draft an irresistible proposal



What you learned today:

  • How to assess your proposal's "un-ignorableness" using Alex Hormozi's framework

  • The power of the ESSC framework in crafting winning proposals

  • Automating the process with a ChatGPT mega-prompt

By combining Alex Hormozi's insights with the efficiency of ChatGPT, you'll be cranking out proposals that convert like crazy.

No more guesswork, no more rejection - just pure, unadulterated success!

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And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community,

Keep learning,

🔑 Alex from God of Prompt


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