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  • 🔑 This mega-prompt will change your 2024.

🔑 This mega-prompt will change your 2024.

Transform your visions into an actionable roadmap with ChatGPT.

In partnership with

Read time: 7 minutes | Give your business superpowers with my Complete AI Bundle

Greetings from above,

Are you ready to turn your grand visions for 2024 into a reality?

Do your annual goals seem like distant dreams?

Fear not, because I’ve got a powerful tool that's about to change the game for you: the Annual Action Mapper Mega-Prompt.

In this edition, we're diving deep into a revolutionary approach that will not only help you set ambitious goals but also break them down into actionable, manageable steps.

Let's get started on transforming your aspirational visions into a comprehensive, actionable roadmap.

Today's Insights:

  • How to translate annual visions into quarterly goals and weekly KPIs

  • Tips for setting goals that are both ambitious and achievable

  • An inside look at our Annual Action Mapper Mega-Prompt

  • Get a FREE 100+ Best GPTs Directory (keep on reading until the end)!

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Setting the Stage for Success

Navigating the journey from dream to reality can often feel overwhelming. Where do you start?

How do you ensure that your goals are more than just wishful thinking?

That's where our mega-prompt steps in, serving as your personal GPS for the year ahead.

How It Can Revolutionize Your Business:

  • Strategic Breakdown: Translates lofty annual visions into quarterly goals, ensuring each step is clear and achievable.

  • Actionable Planning: Breaks down quarterly goals into weekly actions, making your objectives specific, measurable, and time-bound.

  • Focused Direction: Encourages a shift from outcome-oriented to action-oriented goals, enhancing motivation and likelihood of achievement.

The Power of Simplification

Our mega-prompt is built on three key principles that guarantee your success:

  1. Focus on Action: Move from dreaming about outcomes to executing actionable steps.

  2. Simplify to Amplify: Concentrate on one main goal per quarter to avoid diluting your efforts.

  3. Challenge Yourself Appropriately: Use the 4% rule to set goals that are within reach but still push your limits.

Annual Action Mapper Mega-Prompt:

Here's the the mega-prompt that will guide you through the process:

I want you to act as the Annual Action Mapper, an AI specialised in turning aspirational annual visions into actionable, tangible quarterly goals, and turning these quarterly goals into an actionable business roadmap for me.

The time horizon for this exercise is 12 months, and your goal is to lay out an plan for the entirety of the year of 2024.

My 1-year vision is {1. INSERT YOUR VISION}

For context, {2. INSERT YOUR CONTEXT}

Using the specifics of my vision and my context, help me reverse-engineer my goal into a 3-month actionable roadmap that I can follow to reach it.

The thinking behind this is that each yearly vision is just the sum of a few tangible outcomes, and these tangible outcomes are just the result of quarterly goals, and the quarterly goals are the sum/result of weekly action steps.

Your output should contain my annual vision quarterly goals and weekly KPIs.


1) The KPIs for each week should be quantifiable

Every quarter of the 12 months of the roadmap should be formatted like this:

# Month 1: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 1: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 2: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 3: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 4: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
# Month 2: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 5: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 6: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 7: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 8: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
# Month 2: [BIG GOAL OF Month 1]
Summarize the month's goal and KPIs
## Week 9: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 1]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 1's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 10: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 2]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 11: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 3]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 3's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)
## Week 12: [BIG GOAL OF WEEK 4]
Summarize and quantify weekly actions that I need to take to reach week 2's first goal (in a way that I can put it into my calendar)


Make this very detailed and tactical.


1. ALL goals need to be hyper specific and countable and tangible.  That means I need to be able to count the goals, and if someone would ask: “did you achieve [GOAL DESCRIPTION]?” I need to be able to objectively answer that question with a yes or no.
2. The weekly goals need to be action-oriented
3. The goals should roughly suit the workload of the given time period. In other words, weekly goals should take 2-5 business days of hard work.

Here are 3 principles for setting goals:

Principle 1: Set action-oriented goals instead of outcome-oriented goals.

Focus your goals on actions that you can control directly instead outcomes that could result from them.

This makes you feel more control over your progress, making you likelier to achieve your goal(s).

For example, setting the goal “reach 500 Twitter followers” is focused on an outcome you can’t control directly - you can’t force people to follow you (unless you’re Liam Neeson).

A more sustainable, action-oriented goal would be:

“post 3 Tweets a day, 2 Threads a week, and spend 30 minutes engaging every day for 3 months”

Another example:
❌ Outcome oriented:

“reach $2500 monthly income from my services”

âś… Action oriented:
“send 20 cold DMs a day and post 5 pieces of content that talk about my offer a week for 3 months”
Principle 2: Set only 1 goal per quarter

I have ADHD, so I often feel the motivational surge to just change EVERYTHING in my life.

“I’ll set goals for my health, business, social life… and now that I think of it, I also wanna go and rent a hut in the mountains for 1 week, grab a bunch of synths, and start making music again”

Don’t make this mistake.

The problem is that having too many goals to focus on makes you much less likely to achieve any of them.

The harsh reality is that you haven’t figured out what 1 priority you want to have, and you’re trying to cope with a lack of decisiveness by trying to set goals for everything at once.

Accept the trade off.

Set ONE goal.

Of course, don’t ignore all the other things in your life, but keep them more in a “maintenance mode”.
Principle 3: Set challenging goals using the 4% rule

An overlooked aspect of goal-setting is getting the difficulty right.

Most “normal” people set too easy goals, and hustle culture tends to push entrepreneurs to set inhumanely high goals.

Both approaches suck.

❌ If the goal’s too easy, you won’t be motivated to work towards it.
❌ If the goal is so hard that you feel like it’s impossible to achieve, you’ll loose motivation.

Instead, make your goals just challenging enough using the 4% rule.

Set goals just 4% / slightly above what you think is possible with your current skill set.

____Now, do the following:

1. Ask me about details you need to know about my annual vision to set the right quarterly goals. Depending on what lacks/exists in the context I give you, the amount of questions you need to ask will vary. I would imagine that you always need to know at least:  my target income, my target lifestyle, how an ideal day in my vision looks, which people I wanna spend time with, and how much I wanna work and with what

2. Once you have sufficient context, reverse-engineer my annual vision into quarterly goals and a weekly action plan as described above


  • Clarify Your Vision and Context: Begin by concisely filling in "{1. INSERT YOUR VISION}" and "{2. INSERT YOUR CONTEXT}" with your specific aspirations and situational details. This foundational step ensures that the guidance you receive is perfectly aligned with your goals and circumstances.

  • Specify Your Monthly Goal: By inputting your first big goal for the month in "[BIG GOAL OF MONTH 1]," you highlight your immediate focus, setting a clear direction for the upcoming weeks.

  • Engage with ChatGPT: Once you've provided these details, prepare for a dynamic interaction. ChatGPT will ask questions tailored to delve deeper into your vision and context, ensuring that the roadmap developed is as detailed and actionable as possible. This conversation is crucial for refining your quarterly goals and distilling them into weekly KPIs that are both challenging and achievable.

I filled in {INSERT YOUR VISION} and {INSERT YOUR CONTEXT}, as well as [BIG GOAL OF MONTH 1], so now ChatGPT asks me related questions based on my unique requirements and goals I set for myself.

Take a look at my input:

Here’s the output:

Note: If I were to include my entire chat , this email would be way too long.

But what’s really amazing is that ChatGPT truly becomes your go-to project manager and does a MILLION DOLLAR TASK of setting an actionable roadmap for your business success in 2024.

Just make sure to answer each point with as much details as possible, so you can finally start executing and stop dreaming about your visions for the future.

Making It Work for You

To truly benefit from the Annual Action Mapper, integrate these steps into your planning:

  • Schedule Your Steps: Ensure all weekly actions are slotted into your calendar.

  • Regular Reviews: Continuously evaluate your progress and adjust as necessary.

  • Seek Constructive Feedback: Utilize your network for advice and refinement.

Your Next Steps

Eager to give your business superpowers?

Dive into my Complete AI Bundle before the offer expires.

Packed with over 30,000+ AI Prompts, how-to guides, and every product I've ever created, it's your ticket to skyrocketing your success in 2024.

If you purchase it now, you can enjoy all the upcoming updates that will come this month, worth thousands of dollars!

It will get a mind-blowing new update VERY soon:

  • Updated Midjourney Prompt Collection

  • A brand new Mega-Prompt Bundle (500+ Mega-Prompts)!

  • A Gemini AI Prompt Library

Get the chance to be ahead BEFORE the price skyrockets along with the enormous VALUE that will come with it!

That’s a Wrap!

Today, you've unlocked the secret to turning your 2024 visions into achievable realities.

Armed with our Annual Action Mapper Mega-Prompt, the path from aspiration to accomplishment is clearer than ever.

Remember, the journey to success is a marathon, not a sprint.

By breaking down your annual goals into quarterly and weekly steps, you're setting the stage for a year of unprecedented achievements.

Thanks for joining us on this transformative journey.

Here's to a 2024 filled with action, accomplishment, and success.

Keep learning,

🔑 God of Prompt

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