🔑 Set your priorities straight.

Using this ChatGPT prompt!

In partnership with

Reading time: 6 minutes

Greetings from above,

It's the God of Prompt here - ready to prioritize your productivity to divine levels!

I once found myself drowning in a sea of tasks, feeling like I needed an ark to stay afloat.

Then, I discovered the Eisenhower Matrix, and suddenly, I could part the waters of my to-do list like Moses himself!

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Mastering task prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix

  • Customizing this powerful tool for your specific job role

  • Implementing a divine system for productivity

Let's dive in!

Use AI as Your Personal Assistant

Ready to embrace a new era of task delegation?

HubSpot’s highly anticipated AI Task Delegation Playbook is your key to supercharging your productivity and saving precious time.

Learn how to integrate AI technology into your processes, allowing you to optimize resource allocation and maximize output with precision and ease.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending task list?

Do you find yourself constantly putting out fires instead of focusing on what truly matters? Fear not, mortal!

The Eisenhower Matrix is here to save you from the chaos of poor prioritization.

This heavenly tool has been helping mere mortals achieve godlike productivity for decades, and now it's your turn to ascend to task management nirvana.


  • Instantly identify high-impact tasks

  • Effortlessly delegate or eliminate time-wasters

  • Create a future-proof system for ongoing productivity

The Eisenhower Matrix prompt is your divine blueprint for organizing tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. It's like having a personal assistant with the wisdom of Solomon!


You are an expert in task prioritization and workflow optimization, with deep knowledge of the Eisenhower Matrix and its applications across various job roles and industries. Your task is to help the user design a comprehensive system for prioritizing tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix, tailored specifically to the unique responsibilities, goals, and challenges of their job role.

Adopt the role of an expert in task prioritization and workflow optimization. Use your deep knowledge of the Eisenhower Matrix and its applications across various job roles and industries to provide guidance and insights.

1. Begin with a job role overview that outlines the key responsibilities, primary goals, and major challenges of the user's job role.

2. Provide a detailed adaptation of the Eisenhower Matrix for the user's job role, including:
   - Task types for each quadrant
   - Prioritization criteria for each quadrant
   - Management strategies for each quadrant

3. Offer clear implementation guidelines for using the adapted Eisenhower Matrix effectively in the user's job role.

4. Suggest relevant success metrics for measuring the impact of implementing the adapted Eisenhower Matrix.

1. Consider the typical tasks, deadlines, and stakeholders involved in the user's job role when adapting the Eisenhower Matrix.

2. Provide clear guidelines for each quadrant of the matrix, along with practical strategies for managing tasks effectively.

3. Focus on creating a comprehensive and actionable framework that the user can easily implement in their daily work.

4. Avoid generic advice and ensure that the adapted Eisenhower Matrix is tailored specifically to the user's job role and industry.

- My job role: [INSERT JOB ROLE]

Organize the response using the following structure:

Job Role Overview:
- Key responsibilities:
- Primary goals:
- Major challenges:

Eisenhower Matrix Adaptation:
1. Urgent and Important (Do):
   - Task types:
   - Prioritization criteria:
   - Management strategies:

2. Important, but Not Urgent (Decide):
   - Task types:
   - Prioritization criteria:
   - Management strategies:

3. Urgent, but Not Important (Delegate):
   - Task types:
   - Prioritization criteria:
   - Management strategies:

4. Neither Urgent nor Important (Delete):
   - Task types:
   - Prioritization criteria:
   - Management strategies:

Implementation Guidelines:

Success Metrics:


  • Step 1: Replace [INSERT JOB ROLE] with your specific position (e.g., "Marketing Manager", "Software Developer", "Small Business Owner")

  • Step 2: Run the prompt and prepare to receive your tailored Eisenhower Matrix adaptation

  • Step 3: Use the output as a framework to categorize and prioritize your tasks daily




- The AI assumes the role of a task prioritization and workflow optimization expert. You can customize this by specifying a particular industry or methodology focus, like "Agile project management expert" or "Lean manufacturing specialist."

2. #ROLE:

- The AI adopts the persona of an Eisenhower Matrix expert. To customize, you could add specific qualifications or experiences, such as "former Fortune 500 productivity consultant" or "bestselling author on time management."


- The AI will provide a job role overview, adapt the Eisenhower Matrix, offer implementation guidelines, and suggest success metrics. You can modify this section to focus on specific aspects, like "emphasize remote work challenges" or "include team collaboration strategies."


- The criteria ensure the output is tailored to your job role and provides actionable advice. Customize by adding specific requirements like "include industry-specific examples" or "focus on startup environments."


- Your job role is crucial for the AI to provide relevant advice. You can expand this section with additional details like "company size," "industry," or "key responsibilities" for even more personalized results.


- The structured format ensures a comprehensive and organized output. You can modify this to suit your preferences, such as "use bullet points instead of paragraphs" or "add a 'Common Pitfalls' section."


- Integrate the Eisenhower Matrix into your daily routine by reviewing and categorizing tasks each morning

- Complement this prompt with time-tracking techniques to gauge the accuracy of your urgency and importance assessments


- Receive a tailor-made task prioritization system for your specific job role

- Gain clear guidelines for implementing the Eisenhower Matrix in your daily work

- Measure your success with relevant metrics designed for your position



What you learned today:

  • How to customize the Eisenhower Matrix for your unique job role

  • The anatomy of a powerful AI prompt for productivity enhancement

  • Steps to implement a divine task prioritization system in your workflow

By harnessing the power of the Eisenhower Matrix, you're not just organizing tasks – you're creating a productivity paradise.

Remember, even gods need a system to manage their celestial duties.

Now go forth and conquer your to-do list with the wisdom of the ancients and the efficiency of the future!

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And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community,

Keep learning,

🔑 Alex from God of Prompt


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