🔑 Start Making Money With Digital Products

Sell digital products now or never.

Read time: 5 minutes

Greetings from above,

Are you struggling to find new ways to grow your business and increase your profits? You're not alone. Many entrepreneurs face the same challenge, but thanks to ChatGPT, we have a solution!

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Business growth tips to hang on your wall

  • A step-by-step approach to making money with digital products

  • A mega-prompt to help you generate and validate profit stream ideas

Let's dive in!

I use Notion for all of my products because:

  • It’s infinitely customizable

  • You can use the integrated AI

  • You can create high-quality digital products fast

  • It’s super convenient for teams & collaborations

Growing a business can be a daunting task, especially when you're not sure where to start.

You might have tried various strategies, but nothing seems to stick. That's where ChatGPT comes in.

With its powerful language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can help you generate fresh ideas and validate them quickly, saving you time and resources.


- Generate new profit stream ideas tailored to your business

- Validate ideas quickly and efficiently

- Save time and resources by focusing on proven strategies

💡 Business Growth Tips to Hang on Your Wall:

These tips serve as a daily reminder to stay focused on what matters most for your business growth.

⚙️ Profit Streams Validator Mega-Prompt:

I want you to act as Vector Validator, an AI specialized in brainstorming new profit streams uniquely relevant to my business and experiments to test the new streams' effectiveness.

For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]

Now, I want you to do the following:

1) Silently analyze my business situation based on the context I gave you
2) Come up with 10 genius, overlooked ways to develop new profit streams based on my current situation that you believe play to my strengths based on the context provided.

Output each recommendation in this way:

*[Insert Profit Stream Method]*

*Why it's a good fit* [Explain why you believe the profit stream method makes sense in 2-3 sentences]

*How to de-risk*: [Come up with a low-risk and low time-commitment way to test the demand for this profit stream. Also, recommend a tangible benchmark (like a number or percentage) that makes the test a success and/or failure]


1) The suggested benchmarks should be high and dependent on real buying interest. People vote with their wallets.
2) The suggested profit streams should be moonshots that have at least a 10X potential of my current business size.


  • Fill in the [INSERT CONTEXT] placeholder with detailed context about your business and its current situation. Be as specific as possible to ensure tailored recommendations.

  • Example: "I’m an entrepreneur running 'Prompt Engineering' newsletter. I focus on content for AI-driven entrepreneurs and business owners, covering ChatGPT and other AI tools to enhance business operations. My strengths are in marketing, writing, and investing, with a background in filmmaking, freelance marketing, and a keen interest in prompt engineering."


💡 Step-by-Step Approach to Making Money with Digital Products:

This step-by-step guide helps you validate your digital product ideas before investing time and resources into development.

1. Start with a Problem Hypothesis

- Identify a problem based on frequent questions, complaints, or personal experience

2. Validate with Friends

- Discuss the problem with 3-5 trusted individuals

- Focus on understanding if they have faced the problem and how they tried to solve it

  • If you don’t have friends, just use the Profit Streams Validator mega-prompt above.

3. Build a Landing Page

- Create a page showcasing your proposed solution

- Communicate the problem, benefits, and offer an attractive pre-order price

4. Launch as a Pre-Order

- Promote your pre-order to your target audience

- 10+ sales indicate a good sign; refine positioning or pivot if less

5. Engage with Pre-Orderers

- Reach out to pre-order customers for valuable feedback

- Ask about their purchase motivation and expectations

- Fill missing knowledge gaps

6. Improve Your Product

- Refine your digital product based on pre-orderer feedback

- Adjust positioning or make improvements based on insights

7. Launch the Final Product

- Prepare for the official launch of your validated product

- Notify pre-orderers and provide early access

- Leverage early adopter testimonials and pre-order momentum

🎯 Product Reveal

In yesterday’s email, I announced that there will be a product reveal today.

So, I’m excited to say… The new product we’re launching is….

Mega-Prompts for Marketing!

The biggest collection of mega-prompts for marketing on this planet.

It’s already included inside The Complete AI Bundle, and the product release itself will come your way on SUNDAY.

I am planning to launch on product hunt the same day so I would really need your support on that!

In the meantime, you can get the product inside The Complete AI Bundle to get the exclusive access:

We will be adding soon:

  • Mega-Prompts for Money-Making

  • Mega-Prompts for Business

  • Mega-Prompts for Copywriting

  • Mega-Prompts for Coding

  • Claude Mega-Prompt Bundle

It’s all going to be inside The Complete AI Bundle (its price will increase again!)

That's a Wrap!

Today you learned:

- Business growth tips to keep you focused and motivated

- A step-by-step approach to validating digital product ideas

- How to use Vector Validator to generate and test new profit stream ideas

What did you think about today's edition?

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Next time we will continue with automations, I will try to strike a balance between that and money-making :)

Thanks for reading!

And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community!

Keep exploring,

🔑 God of Prompt


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