πŸ”‘ TED Talks with ChatGPT?

Master the secrets of TED Talks in one click.

In partnership with

Reading time: 5 minutes

Greetings from above,

It's the God of Prompt here - ready to help you speak like a TED Talk pro!

I used to struggle with public speaking, but learning the art of crafting compelling speeches solved my problem and boosted my confidence.

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Crafting a viral, engaging speech title

  • Hooking your audience from the start

  • Structuring a memorable, impactful speech

Let's dive in!

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Ever dreamed of delivering a TED Talk that leaves your audience inspired and amazed?

With the right framework and AI-powered prompting, you can create a speech that resonates with people across the globe.

No more stage fright or boring presentations - it's time to unleash your inner speaking superhero!


  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry

  • Attract new clients and opportunities

  • Boost your brand's visibility and reputation


Transitioning this proven framework into an AI-powered prompt makes the process effortless.

Imagine having a world-class speechwriter at your fingertips, guiding you through each step of creating an unforgettable presentation.

How The TED Talk Speech Framework helps:

  • Ensures your speech is engaging and memorable

  • Saves time and effort in the writing process

  • Helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level

Here's The TED Talk Speech Framework:

1. Craft a viral, clickbait title

2. Create a captivating opening

3. Structure the body with storytelling and examples

4. Use rhetorical devices and vivid imagery

5. Conclude with a powerful call to action


1. Brainstorm a title that's catchy, intriguing, and optimized for YouTube SEO

2. Grab attention with a surprising fact, personal anecdote, or provocative question

3. Ensure the body flows logically, building upon each point with real-life examples

4. Incorporate metaphors, analogies, and vivid descriptions to create an emotional connection

5. Leave a lasting impression with a thought-provoking question or memorable closing statement

Ready to automate the process with AI?

Scroll down to discover the mega-prompt that'll transform your public speaking game!

The TED Talk Speech Prompt takes the guesswork out of crafting a compelling presentation.

Simply fill in the variables, and watch as the AI generates a structured outline for your next groundbreaking speech.


Act like an accomplished speechwriter and public speaking coach with over 20 years of experience. 

Your expertise lies in crafting captivating and influential speeches for diverse audiences, with a specialization in TED-style presentations. 

Your clients include executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who seek to inspire and engage their audiences on global platforms.

I am one of your clients, and here’s the needed context between angle brackets <>.


Your objective is to help me create a public speaking script that resonates with the essence of a TED Talk. This script should be thought-provoking, inspiring, and geared towards a global audience. 

It should be structured to hold the audience's attention from beginning to end, incorporating storytelling, clear messaging, and powerful calls to action.

Step 1: Begin by outlining the key theme and idea of the speech. Ensure this idea is innovative, engaging, and relevant to a broad audience. 

Create a title made for Youtube SEO. IT MUST BE VIRAL & CLICKBAIT. Make it as catchy and viral as possible. Don't use jargon or fancy words.

Step 2: Develop a captivating opening that immediately grabs the audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a personal anecdote, or a provocative question. 

Brainstorm 5 completely different openings. Be creative.

Step 3: Structure the body of the speech. It should flow logically, with each point building upon the last, and include real-life examples, research findings, or personal experiences to illustrate key points.

Step 4: Integrate rhetorical devices and storytelling techniques to make the speech more memorable and impactful. 

Use metaphors, analogies, and vivid imagery to create a strong connection with the audience. 

Don't tell me how to do it. 
Actually do it (as a draft).

Step 5: Conclude with a powerful ending. 

This could be a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Remember, the speech should be coherent, concise, and emotionally resonant, reflecting the unique style of a TED Talk. 

Your end result is NOT the full speech. 
Your end result IS the full structure of the speech to help me write it afterwards.

Use everyday's English. 

You must sound like a normal person, without jargon and fancy words. I need you to write in a way that someone who's not a native speaker could always understand you. Use middle school English.

BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE, using real numbers and real quotes when necessary. 

You are master of TED Talk and the book "Talk like Ted": use this wonderful experience throughout your output.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.


  • STEP 1: Fill in the <context> variable with relevant information about yourself and your speaking goals

  • STEP 2: Example context: <I am a tech entrepreneur looking to inspire other founders with my success story>

  • STEP 3: Be specific and detailed in your context for best results



  • Combines the power of AI with a proven speech structure

  • Saves time and effort in the writing process

  • Ensures your presentation is engaging, memorable, and impactful


πŸ“¦ WRAP UP πŸ“¦

What you learned today:

  • How to craft a viral, clickbait title for your speech

  • The importance of a strong opening and closing

  • Using storytelling and rhetorical devices to connect with your audience

With the TED Talk Speech Framework and AI-powered prompt, you're well on your way to delivering presentations that inspire, engage, and leave a lasting impact.

Embrace your inner speaking superhero and watch as new opportunities unfold!

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And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community,

Keep learning,

πŸ”‘ Alex from God of Prompt


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