πŸ”‘ Write viral tweets?

Just use this prompt with ChatGPT.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Greetings from above,

It's the God of Prompt here - ready to tweet your business into the stratosphere!

Just last week, I was drowning in a sea of unengaging tweets.

Then, I discovered this framework and suddenly, my engagement skyrocketed faster than Elon's latest rocket launch.

Today, we'll talk about:

  • Crafting killer tweets from transcripts

  • Mastering the art of concise, impactful messaging

  • Automating your Twitter game with AI

Let's dive in!

It’s my one-year anniversary!

To celebrate, I wanted to share with you a 20% off limited-time discount!

Just use β€œSUMMER20” at checkout for any product.

Ever felt like your tweets were falling into a black hole of indifference?

You're not alone. In today's fast-paced digital world, capturing attention on Twitter is harder than ever.

But fear not, fellow entrepreneurs! I've uncovered a secret weapon that'll turn your transcripts into tweet gold faster than you can say "viral content."


  • Boost engagement with authentic, voice-driven content

  • Save time by repurposing existing material

  • Consistently deliver value to your audience


Let's transform those dusty transcripts into social media magic.

This framework isn't just about regurgitating content; it's about distilling the essence of your message into bite-sized, scroll-stopping nuggets.

How Tweet Alchemy helps:

  • Maintains your unique voice across platforms

  • Ensures consistency in your brand messaging

  • Increases your content output without sacrificing quality

Here's the Tweet Alchemy Framework:


1. Extract the Essence: Identify key ideas from your transcript

2. Craft the Hook: Create attention-grabbing openings

3. Trim the Fat: Ruthlessly edit for conciseness

4. Voice Infusion: Inject your personality into each tweet

5. Diversify Content: Mix up tweet styles for variety

Now, imagine doing all this with the click of a button. Sounds too good to be true?

Well, buckle up, because we're about to enter the realm of AI-powered tweeting!

This mega-prompt is your ticket to Twitter stardom.

It'll analyze your transcript, extract the juiciest bits, and serve up a platter of tweet-worthy content that sounds just like you.


I want you to write tweets for me based on a transcript.

These tweets are characterized by being extremely original and unique. They are always based on the tone of voice of the creator of the transcript, while still being written in a concise tone.
For context, [INSERT CONTEXT]

Here are some examples of "tweets", separated by [NEW TWEET]:

People's attention spans are FUCKED.

This is why I created a SUPER basic landing page for my course waitlist.

My thoughts:

Give them a short, bite-size overview instead of a long sales page.

Write everything like a tweet.

Result :

The landing page converts at almost 80%.


Understand that ethical wealth creation is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, it will elude you.


Leverage is a force multiplier for your judgement.


If you could choose between two teachers:

1. The Natural
2. The Non-Natural

And they're both equally skilled,

I'd go with the Non-Natural.

A Natural is good at the talent but can struggle teaching it.

A Non-Natural is a great teacher because he wasn't born with the talent.


Some premium Twitter bro advice I’ve seen lately:

β€’ Smoke cigs to focus
β€’ Take 4 hour ice baths
β€’ Stare at the sun for energy

Have a day off

What’s is going to be next?

β€œInhale paint fumes for creativity”

You make money.
People say you're scamming.

You get jacked.
People say you're on roids.

You grow a following.
People say you bought 'em.

People will talk shit regardless, so do whatever the fuck makes you happy.

Reading is faster than listening. Doing is faster than watching.


Here is the transcript I want you to create tweets from:



Now, do this:

1) Learn what tone of voice and structure characterizes tweets
2) Read the transcript and silently extract 100 ideas from it
3) Based on the constraints I gave you, write 50 new tweets in the tone of voice of the transcript creator for me.

Constraints for the tweets:

1 No hashtags
2 No emojis
3 Concise tone of voice
4 Use complete sentences
5 Don't use exclamation marks
6 Must be shorter than 280 characters
7 Must be in the tone of voice of the transcript creator


  • Step 1: Replace [INSERT CONTEXT] with brief background about your brand or content

  • Step 2: Paste your transcript in place of [INSERT TRANSCRIPT]

  • Step 3: Experiment with different transcript lengths for varied results



  • Saves hours of content creation time

  • Maintains your authentic voice across tweets

  • Generates a diverse range of tweet styles


πŸ“¦ WRAP UP πŸ“¦

What you learned today:

  • How to turn transcripts into engaging tweets

  • The Tweet Alchemy Framework for crafting killer content

  • Automating your Twitter strategy with AI

By mastering the art of tweet creation and leveraging AI, you're not just saving time - you're amplifying your voice in the digital wilderness.

Remember, in the world of social media, consistency is key, but authenticity is queen. Now go forth and tweet your way to success!

What did you think about today's edition?

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And as always, thanks for being a part of my lovely community,

Keep learning,

πŸ”‘ Alex from God of Prompt


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